Jumat, 07 September 2012

Hijab Tutorial : Snail Turban

Hellooo, i'm back with new style "turban". This "snail turban" style for special or daily occasion.  Just make it simple without pin. You need inner ninja and shawl. For this tutorial i choose glitter shawl from Cuba Klik Shop

Let me start!

Step 1: Pakai inner ninja untuk menutupi kepala dan leher.
Step 2: Pakai shawl dengan kedua sisi sama panjang.

Step 1: Use inner ninja to cover your head and neck fully
Step 2: Use shawl and keep the two sides balance.

Step 3: Rapikan shawl di bagian bawah telinga.
Step 4: Lalu tarik ke leher bagian belakang.

Step 3: Tidy up shawls under your ears.
Step 4: Drag it behind your neck.

Step 5 : Silangkan dan tarik kembali ke bagian depan
Step 6: Rapihkan

Step 5: Put the shawl crosswise on back of your neck and drag back 
Step 6: Tidy it up!

Step 7: Tarik sisi sebelah kiri ke atas kepala
Step 8; Tarik sisi sebelah kanan ke atas kepala

Step 7: Drag away the left side and put it on your head
Step 8: Drag away the right side and put it on your head

Step 9: Silangkan
Step 10: Tarik hasil silangan tersebut ke belakang leher

Step 9: Put two sides of shawl crosswise on your head
Step 10: Drag away to the back of your neck

Step 11: Selipkan kedua sisi shawl secara rapi
Step 12: Hasil step 11

Step 11: Slip the tip of shawls into the back of shawls
Step 12: The result of step 11

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