Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

VOTE me to be the next Indosat Mentari Hijab Hunt

How to vote me? Just follow this steps:

1. Click http://forum.detik.com/hh-2013-annisa-aga-pebrianti-sederhana-unik-modis-t738427.html
2. Sign in using your Detik ID or Facebook Account or Twitter Account

3. Search button RATE THREAD, Choose EXCELENT, then clik VOTE

4. Give your personal comments

5. Watch my video here http://www.mytrans.com/video/2013/07/24/61/85/0/11919/-hijab-hunt-annisa-aga-pebrianti?email, give your comments, and share it!

Thanks for voting me and watching my video.

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